2020 Sunshine State Book Festival
January 24 – 26
Three Locations: Matheson, Santa Fe College & Literacy Heritage Tour
75 Authors
Six Speakers & Three Presenters
Festival Highlights
A Friday night reception at the Matheson Historical Museum culminated with the presentation of Ernest Hemingway’s letters to Santa Fe College.
The Saturday Book Festival at the beautiful Santa Fe College Fine Arts Hall brought 3,000 readers to meet 75 authors and hear presentations by six well-known authors.
The Sunday literary heritage tour portrayed three notable authors who wrote and lived in the area, William Bartram, Robert Frost, and Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings.

Remembering Uncle Ernest with Hilary Hemingway.

Florida Sports History: It’s More than just Fun & Games with UF Professor Steve Noll.

Gainesville’s Literary Heritage with author Kevin McCarthy.

Drying Up, The Fresh Water Crisis in Florida with freelance author John Dunn.

How Heeding Florida’s Past and the Natural Beauty That Survived It Can Change Our Future with Award-winning poet Lola Haskins.

An Interview: Books, Movies, and War with Nebula Award winner Joe Haldeman.

Kevin Rainsberger reading Robert Frost at the Thomas Center

J.D. Sutton portraying William Bartram at Paynes Prairie State Preserve.

Mimi Carr read Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings and prepared one of Marjorie’s recipes at Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings’ State Park.
Author Attendance